Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Few things I want right now

- I wanna refresh myself !! Just like how u click restart button of ur computer 

- I wanna enjoy my uk trip to the max and hope I do get some inspiration while relaxing. They said when u relax , there's where all the inspiring ideas come from

- I wanna meet more ppl ! Well , to kick start my project I basically need some network so that new network gives u new ideas. But this can Only be done after uk trip and after moving house to KD. Can't wait for both

- I wanna make this Internet marketing works ! I actually went to a class last month to get some ideas about Internet marketing , how these guys actually earn money without having to work. Really , they don't need to work !! 

- I wanna play Fb lesser !
Even as I have to use it due to my job requirement , I need to limit personal time Fb cause I think I spent too much time on it. I actually finished 70% of a new book I bought just because 2 nights I force myself not to Fb but to read a book

- I wanna learn new things!!
It will shift my paradigm on things that I have been focusing negatively too much !
For these ppl , fuck it 

These are something I wanna do ! I wrote it because it will enforce myself to do it !! And writing it in blog makes me even to make sure it works!!

My un-read books are piling !

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