Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Recent Updates
  1. was the emcee for career forum just now. (details as below)
  2. Met with xh,wc,weng ee &his gf, yz,kar,yc last satuday at mv
  3. final exams are coming
  4. I screwed up my audit exam last last last week
  5. I am DAMN LAZY ..couldnt concentrate
  6. just chatted with joe, so happy that she is happy about her life
  7. bought 2 keychains in pasar malam yesterday and i like them so much ( one of them is kuma-kuma)
  8. Trying hard to make a difference.
  9. Was quite disappointed with somebody...but who cares
  10. was addicted to watch MY GIRL last last week
  11. life is kinda boring's all i think.

I was one of the emcee for the Career Forum just now. Erm...Not much special, learnt nothing new but met some good friends.

Was quite happy to talk to the other Emcee, Sam, cause really learnt something after talking to him.

He told me about his family background, he said he was quite a bad student during secondary times, smoking all the way around ( and i straight away tell him i hate it !! ), read nothing when exams are approaching etc. etc.. then he just wanted to change after listening to some motivational talks. He stopped smoking and try to improve himself...etc...etc...(the process of how he changes also very long, and u know i am such a lazy girl)

I mean I actually happy that he knows he was wrong and is willing to change for a better life. This is very important!

In btw, he looks like ren4 xian2 qi2, seriously... no joking...

Some ppl just dont know the environment provided to them is so good... so much better than mine..and they just dunno how to appreciate it.... but maybe i am the one who doesnt know how to appreciate it?? hahaha..

Life moves on.........

BAXIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh ya.. Gonna be emcee for Career Forum 2008 on .... week 13 wednesday. Now is week 10 sunday.

Enjoy being emcee but not enjoying myself when i need to engage myself into the society's stuff. After all, i will quit soon.


Friday, March 14, 2008


TABOO 的玩法是4个人一组,由其中一名当组长。
组长负责描述一个在荧幕出现的词给自己的组员猜,看哪一组在5 分钟内猜到最多题目,就是赢家。 不可以用动作哦!

看别组的比赛, 真的有够好笑。。

那位好笑得组长说:what is the synonym of SHIT?
队员: HAR? is it SI 2 ???
组长: No........erm.....everytime u go to toilet, what do u do?
队员: HUH???
组长: okok, there are 2 words, the second word is "what do your friend buy you for your birthday ?"
组长 : Then, what is the synonym of SHIT?
队员 : HAR??? is it SHIT CAKE AR??

OH GOD, can they be even funnier?

那么到我们时, LECTURER 叫我做组长 , oklor..反正我那么爱讲话, 结果还不赖, 最后还拿了第二名。其实其他2位我组的队员, 都跟他们不熟, 能够赢, 也算OK 了。。

得奖的领悟呢? 其实也没什么领悟, 只是觉得CREATIVITY & IMPROMPTU SPEAKING 很重要。要很快的想到最简单,创意的方法去描述一些东西, 那人的头脑会转的快一点, 尤其是要讲骗话。。

那天SPM成绩放榜, 我sms 我去年的学生, 他说 add math 得了B3, 还说以前真的没有SCORE过B3 (之前的成绩大概是50-55%). 他还说谢谢我那一年的TUTORING。 

虽然我希望他能拿A, 但是至少有进步就好, at least she is happy, then i am happy also.
那至少我对add math 还有一些些de passion.




Wednesday, March 05, 2008

有点烦, 因为自己输不起,但又爱堕落。


为什么我们不能做自己能够控制的东西, 而要去做教授喜欢的东西。。。。。。。